Vermont Higher Education Collaborative Logo

Collaborating with experts to support schools and deliver professional development, ensuring the success of all students.

VT-HEC Awards First Patty Morgan Scholarship

First Patty Morgan Scholarship Awarded to Danielle Hulbert of Williamstown

VT-HEC is very happy to announce that the first Patty Morgan Scholarship has been awarded to Danielle Hulbert, who began VT-HEC’s new Early Childhood Initial Licensing program in June. Danielle was among a group of very impressive and worthy applicants, and we are very pleased to be able to support her goal of becoming a licensed early childhood educator. 

After her own children started school, she felt the need to do more to work with and benefit kids. She became active in the PTO and worked as a paraprofessional and a substitute teacher, but that wasn’t enough:

I learned that I wanted to be the teacher that touched children’s lives. I wanted to create fun and exciting lesson plans to engage children in learning. Early education is the most important age in my mind when it comes to school. This is where students form a relationship not only with teachers and peers but also with education. This is where we can help them love learning!

Danielle will begin a position as a kindergarten teacher at Williamstown School this Fall.  She submitted a very strong application and essay. In her interview with the selection committee, the committee found her to be a delightful, passionate, and enthusiastic early childhood educator.. 

The Patty Morgan Scholarship  was established in December 2021 in recognition of the impact that Patty had on education in Vermont in her role as Director of Licensing Programs of the VT-HEC. The Patty Morgan Scholarship will be awarded annually to an exceptional applicant seeking to become licensed as an early childhood educator (ECE) or early childhood special educator (ECSE), or to add the ECE or ECSE endorsement through the VT-HEC programs. The scholarship covers the selected candidate’s VT-HEC tuition costs throughout the candidate’s program.

We wish Danielle the best in achieving her goals and want to thank all those who applied for the scholarship for their dedication to the children of Vermont.

Patty Morgan Scholarship for Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

New Scholarship Honors VT-HEC’s Longtime Director of Licensing Programs

In recognition and appreciation of all that Patty Morgan has contributed to the VT-HEC and education in Vermont, the VT-HEC Board of Directors voted on December 1 to establish the Patty Morgan Scholarship which will be awarded to an exceptional educator seeking to become licensed as an early childhood educator (ECE) or early childhood special educator (ECSE) or add the ECE or ECSE endorsement through the VT-HEC programs. The Patty Morgan Scholarship will cover the selected candidate’s VT-HEC tuition costs throughout the candidate’s program.

 Eligibility Requirements: 

The Patty Morgan Scholarship will be awarded to an applicant who, in the opinion of the selection committee, convincingly demonstrates and documents:

  • A dedication to the success and well-being of young children of Vermont.
  • The potential to successfully complete the program and become a superior professional in the early childhood field.
  • A commitment to teaching in Vermont for a minimum of two years upon completion of the ECE or ECSE program.
  • A financial need in spite of documented efforts to seek funding from other sources (i.e., employer, VSAC, TEACH).


For the better part of VT-HEC’s existence Patty Morgan has been a constant through our growth, accomplishments and challenges. As the VT-HEC Program Director she spear-headed VT-HEC’s expansion into multiple licensing endorsement areas. Twenty years of graduates from these programs has had a dramatic impact on education in Vermont – hundreds of special educators, early childhood educators, health educators, etc., are working in our schools and communities as a result of the work of Patty and her team of talented coordinators and instructors.

Through the last few years Patty shepherded us through the process for state approval for both endorsement and initial licensing in special education, early childhood and early childhood special education – a significant effort and accomplishment. We are very proud to offer this scholarship in her name.

Applications for the Patty Morgan Scholarship are welcome from educators seeking an initial ECE or ECSE license, and from those seeking to add an ECE or ECSE endorsement to their current Vermont license. For more information:


New Initial Licensing Program in Early Childhood

Licensing Opportunities in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education

This summer, the Vermont Higher Education Collaborative (VT-HEC) will launch its newly approved Early Childhood Educator (ECE) initial licensure program. This graduate-level program is designed for professionals working in early childhood or a related field who wish to obtain a Vermont educator license with an endorsement in ECE (birth–3rd grade). In launching this new ECE initial licensure program, VT-HEC seeks to respond to the ever-increasing need in Vermont and across the nation for qualified early childhood educators.

For nearly 20 years, the VT-HEC ECE program has provided courses aligned with Vermont’s ECE competencies and Core Teaching Standards. However, until this new program, students in the VT-HEC ECE program without an initial license still had to apply through Peer Review for their ECE initial license. This new initial licensure program provides students with a different option to obtain their initial license through VT-HEC.

For further information contact Manuela Fonseca, the VT-HEC Early Childhood Programs Director, at [email protected]. or

Early Childhood Licensing Program –

Early Childhood Special Education Licensing Program –

New VT-HEC Opportunities in Special Education & Early Childhood Education

Initial Licensing Programs in Special Education & Early Childhood

VT-HEC is pleased to announce three new pathways for individuals interested in becoming licensed special educators, early childhood educators, or early childhood special educators. 

On January 12, 2022, following extensive review by the Agency of Education, the Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators voted to approve VT-HEC’s application to offer initial licensure programs in these areas. This will expand pathways to licensure for individuals with bachelor’s degrees in areas other than education. 

Applications are being accepted now. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact Program Director, Joy Wilcox ([email protected]), for information about the Special Education licensure program, and Program Director, Manuela Fonseca ([email protected]), for information about Early Childhood Education and/or Early Childhood Special Education. 

Limited scholarship funds are available for both programs for students who do not have financial support for professional development from their workplace. 

Additional details about all programs will be posted at


VT-HEC Fall Focus on Special Needs

This fall VT-HEC has lined up a varied and robust schedule of professional development opportunities focused on students with disabilities, struggling learners and learners with various other challenges & needs
  • Curriculum and Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder – Kathryn Whitaker, M.Ed. -Workshops and/or Course (10/22 & 10/23 – Montpelier) Kids with ASD can be among our most challenging but Kathryn can help you design, implement and evaluate instructional systems utilizing strategies that have worked for students with these issues.
  • Orientation to Special Education – Andrea Wasson, M.Ed. & Joy Wilcox, M.Ed. – Workshop (9/27 & 9/28 – Montpelier). Are you new to special education, new to Vermont, do you have to supervise or evaluate special educators or related service providers, or do you or your staff just need to review the basics to ensure you are all using you time wisely and focusing on the right stuff? If the answer to any of these is yes, this is the offering for you and yours.
  • Addressing Educational Benefit through the Special Education Process Jen Patenaude, M.A.  Workshops (10/17, 11/8, 12/12, 1/10 – Montpelier) This is a series every special educator should be taking to improve student progress by using the special education procedures in the most productive manner. Jen is a Vermont treasure and this offering should be required.
  • Strategies for Sustaining the Student-Centered Classroom – Carol Tomlinson, Ed.D. & Bill Rich, M.A. – Three-part WORKshop series (10/18, 12/6 & 3/20 – Montpelier). Carol literally wrote the books on differentiated instruction and Bill has been working in VT for many years focused on using what we know about the brain and learning to make education work for all kids.
  • Special Education Legal Update – Art Cernosia, Esq. – Workshop (10/25 – Montpelier) Special Education law can be deadly but Art makes it easy to take.  You’ll hear what’s new, what’s coming, what to focus on and what can take a back seat.
  • Advancing and Sustaining Equity Literacy – Paul Gorski, PH.D. – Workshops (11/1 & 11/2 –
    Montpelier). Paul founded EdChange, a coalition of educators and activists providing professional development on educational equity.  This year VT-HEC is working with the VPA and other Vermont organizations to present an array of events and learning opportunities focusing on equity. These two days will focus on the foundations of Equity Literacy and how your schools can put its principals into practice. A follow-up three days is planned of the spring focusing on different equity themes – race, poverty & gender.
  • Building Collaborative Teams/Effective Partnerships: Working with Tough Teams – Alicia Lyford, M.Ed. & Joy Wilcox, M.Ed. – Workshop and/or Course (11/5 & 11/6 – Montpelier) There are few more frustrating things than a dysfunctional team and few things better than an effective one – find out the ways to ensure yours are the latter.
  • Lights, Camera, Action! Use Built-in Tools on Your Smartphone to Create Quick and Effective Learning Opportunities for Your Students – Patty Thomas, OT and Chris Knippenberg, M.S., OTR/L, ATP – WORKshop and/or Course (10/26 – Rutland) Chris and Patty have this offering down and will help you use the tools on your phone or tablet to create a variety of learning activities to meet the specific needs of your students.
  • Tips and Tools for Early Childhood Special Educators – Judith Masson, M.Ed. -Workshops (10/4 & 11/7 – S. Burlington) Judith shares practical tools, charts, forms and practices that can be tailored to your work setting and students to help make you more efficient and effective.


Trauma, Anxiety & Behavior


And there is more on the VT-HEC Drawing Board for the spring; check back often to see the latest news & opportunities. For more information and registration go to

New Pathway to Licensure Cohorts – Special Education & Early Childhhood

Scholarships available to students that have no other financial support for professional development

The VT-HEC announces the start of new course sequences that lead to licensure – Special Educator, Early Childhood/Early Childhood Special Education. All our pathway programs have the goal of providing quality preparation and training to Vermont educators who are committed to working towards the success of every child and student. Courses begin June, 2018.

All VT-HEC Programs:
• Offer coursework that meets the VT requirements for transcript review in the endorsement area sought
• Offer the coursework and guidance to apply for initial licensure through the AOE’s Peer Review program
• Are affiliated with and offer credit through our VT State College partners- Castleton University and Lyndon State College
• Can lead to a master’s degree with partnering institution if eligible
• Are offered in either a face to face or hybrid model to maximize statewide access
• Are taught by qualified experts from field who are committed to using principles and practices of adult learning to ensure practical and relevant learning.

Partial scholarships may be available for VT-HEC’s Pathway to Licensing Programs including Early Childhood, Early Childhood Special Education and Special Education. These scholarships may be available to students that have no other financial support for professional development.

Download flyer here:


VT-HEC 2018 Mission Investment Fund

Funding Program Development & Scholarships

The VT-HEC Board of Directors has established the VT-HEC Mission Investment Fund for the purpose of advancing our goal of providing high quality professional learning opportunities that support the success of every Vermont student. The VT-HEC Mission Investment Fund will be focused on developing new professional learning offerings in high need areas and supporting increased access to current VT-HEC offerings by providing a limited number of scholarships or reduced cost offerings.

For 2017- 2018 the Mission Investment Fund will provide professional development worth over $100,000 and will be supporting:

  • Partial scholarships for VT-HEC’s Pathway to Licensing Programs including Early Childhood, Early Childhood Special Education and Special Education.  These scholarships will be available to students that have no other financial support for professional development.
  • Lowered costs for the Connecting the Dots series of workshops & course focused on Birth to Three and Pre-School children.
  • Lowered costs for Registered Behavior Technician training for paraprofessionals and others desiring this content.
  • Development of new learning opportunities in the area of Trauma & Anxiety.
  • Revision of the VT-HEC Autism Certificate course sequence.
  • Partial scholarships for VT-HEC workshops. These scholarships will be available to participants that have no other support for professional development.
  • Provision of professional development to VT-HEC’s instructors, presenters and staff.

You Can Help….  Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help us expand the impact of the VT-HEC Mission Investment Fund so that we can offer support for increased participation in our offerings and develop new programs to meet the most critical professional learning needs in education in Vermont.



Spring Focus on Special Education & Struggling Learners

The VT-HEC continues to focus on supporting educators and administrators who work with students with disabilities and/or have other challenges to their learning and success.  Whether it is developing programs for specific students or building the capacity of your MTSS, the VT-HEC is developing a multi-year array of learning opportunities and supports to help you move forward in a consistent manner.

Getting Ready to Learn Series: Make and Take WORKshop Series One of our most successful series for a reason. It is focused on creating materials to meet the specific needs of young students with significant learning challenges including Autism and developmental disabilities. Participants will leave with an arm-load of learning materials tailored to the needs of their kids with the greatest challenges and tips on how best to use them. This year we have added the option of earning credit focused on implementation of these concepts and materials. Led by Patty Piotrowski and Chris Knippenberg (OTR) in So. Burlington, VT (2/2, 3/13, 4/10)

Registered Behavior Technician Training based on the Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certification of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB). The training is designed for paraprofessionals, and others desiring these competencies, working in education, mental health and related fields. It will be offered as a 40 hour training experience that will provide an excellent foundation of the knowledge and skills needed to implement behavior and education intervention plans. Led by BCBAs Candace Fugazy and Joanna Hull in
Colchester, VT ~ Six dates (3/10, 3/17, 3/24, 4/7, 4/14, 5/5)

A Systematic Approach to Teaching Socialization and Play for Young Learners – Learning to interact with peers is one of the most important skills a child can learn and for some it doesn’t come easily. Chris will help particiants develop and plan for those students in a way that will benefit all kids. With Chris Knippenberg in Burlington, VT (5/4)

Special Education: Approaches to Case Management with an Eye to Recent Cases and Legal Requirements with Heather T. Lynn Esq. in S. Burlington (2/8) Heather will share the practical implications of recent court decisions and current regulations on the special education process, IEP development, etc. and how you can navigate the often- confusing legal waters of special education to avoid danger zones, resolve conflict and stay on a safe and productive course.

Connecting the Dots: Using Best Practices to Support Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families in Montpelier, VT ~ Three more workshop dates (2/9, 3/23, 5/3) Supporting young children and their families is one of the most important things we can do for Vermont’s future.  Next up is Jayne Singer from Boston Children’s Hospital and then Dee Smith from UVM. Don’t miss these experts as they explore the most effective practices and research findings.

MTSS Ground Level Systems Planning: What does effective, daily implementation look like? K-6 with Jen Patenaude in Rutland, VT (4/4 & 4/5) Do you need to make changes to your MTSS structure and systems in order to more effectively implement multi-tiered programming designed to serve all students? If so, this intensive two-day workshop is the perfect time to plan for the next school year. Strategies and suggestions shared are drawn from the collective experience of schools from across Vermont that are well underway with implementing MTSS. Jen is the perfect person to lead your team to assess your needs and design the changes your system should put in place for next year.

Proficiency-Based, Personalized-Learning within an MTSS System: What does effective, daily implementation look like?  7-12 with Jen Patenaude in Rutland, VT ~ A two day offering (5/8 & 5/9) A middle/high school version of the above offering taking into account efforts toward personalization and proficiency-based learning in the complex 7-12 setting.

Go to for more information and registration

Spring Preview: Early Childhood – Grade 3

VT-HEC has a full slate of offerings planned for the spring covering topics ranging from the practical use of learning scales to a series of “Make & Take” WORKshops focused on young students with developmental disabilities.  We welcome some of VT-HEC favorites such as Jen Patenaude, Chris Knippenberg and Bill Rich as well as some new folks that we are very excited about including, Heather Lynn on Special Education law, Paul Foxman on anxiety in the classroom and Jayne Singer from Boston Children’s Hospital.  In short, there is something for just about everyone.

Our spring offerings that most relate to young children through grade 3 include:

Connecting the Dots: Using Best Practices to Support Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families in Montpelier, VT ~ Three more workshop dates (2/9, 3/23, 5/3) Supporting young children and their families is one of the most important things we can do for Vermont’s future.  Next up is Jayne Singer from Boston Children’s Hospital and then Dee Smith from UVM. Don’t miss these experts as they explore the most effective practices and research findings.

Getting Ready to Learn Series: Three Make and Take WORKshops with Patty Piotrowski and Chris Knippenberg in So. Burlington, VT (2/2, 3/13, 4/10) – One of our most successful WORKshop series for a reason. It is focused on creating materials to meet the specific needs of young students with learning challenges. You will leave with an arm-load of learning materials tailored to support your toughest kids and tips on how best to use them. This year we have added the option of earning credit focused on implementation of these concepts and materials.

It Came from Outer Space: Integrating Technology and Writing Across the K-3 Curriculum with Arlyn Bruccoli and Jennifer Fitch in Montpelier, VT (3/9) The title says it all…. Arlyn, a library/media specialist, and Jennifer, an accomplished classroom teacher, will show you how. They will have you practicing with the tools they use working together using technology to help younger students express their ideas and reactions about science, social studies, literature, etc.

A Systematic Approach to Teaching Socialization and Play for Young Learners with Chris Knippenberg in Burlington, VT (5/4) Learning to interact with peers is one of the most important skills a child can learn and for some it doesn’t come easily. Chris will help you develop and plan for those students in a way that will benefit all kids.

Fostering Resilient Learners: Creating Trauma Sensitive School Communities, with Joelle van Lent, Psy.D, and Gillian Boudreau, Ph.D., in Montpelier, VT ~ Four workshop days (1/18, 2/16, 3/16, 4/12) and an additional date (5/17) for 3-credit graduate course. From the basics on the impact of trauma on kids’ ability to form relationships to utilizing mindfulness and other strategies to build their resilience, these workshops and course will put you and your school on track to support students dealing with or recovering from trauma.  Joelle and Gillian form a dynamic team with complimentary expertise and experience.

Managing Anxiety in the Classroom, with Paul Foxman, Ph.D., in Montpelier, VT (1/26) Daily headlines seem to bring more sources of anxiety that are difficult enough for adults to deal with but are putting more and more kids in the situation of trying to deal with chronic anxiety without the supports or tools to help. Paul will help you recognize the symptoms and develop strategies to help your students cope and succeed.

Special Education: Suggested Approaches to Case Management with an Eye to Recent Cases and Legal Requirements with Heather T. Lynn Esq. in S. Burlington (2/8) Heather will share the practical implications of recent court decisions and current regulations and how you can navigate the often- confusing legal waters of special education to avoid the danger zones, resolve conflict and stay on a safe and productive course.

MTSS Ground Level Systems Planning: What does effective, daily implementation look like? (K-6) with Jen Patenaude in Rutland, VT ~ Two workshop dates (4/4 & 4/5) Do you need to make changes to your MTSS structure and systems in order to more effectively implement multi-tiered programming designed to serve all students? If so, this intensive two-day workshop is the perfect time to plan for the next school year. Strategies and suggestions shared are drawn from the collective experience of schools across Vermont that are well underway with MTSS. Jen is the perfect person to lead your team to assess and design the changes your system needs for next year.

Check out our other series for offerings that may also address your interests and needs including: Special Education; Trauma, Resilience & Anxiety; Gender and where Proficiencies & Personalization are really working in VT.

VT-HEC WORKshops are learning opportunities that are planned to have participants practicing, applying and tailoring the concepts, skills and models that are being shared for much of the day and often include a course option to support implementation in your own setting.

Date Changes for: Tips & Tools and Designing Professional Development

Two Notable VT-HEC Offerings Re-scheduled
Tips & Tools for Early Childhood Special Educators w/Judith Masson:
Originally scheduled on 9/29 and 10/26.  Now scheduled to start on 10/26 (this will be day 1) and 12/11 (this will be day 2). This two-day workshop series will sharpen your skills & add to your toolbox as we walk through the special education process. It will offer organizational tools & strategies related to each step to maximize your time and energy. We will discuss the daily operations and responsibilities of being a preschool case manager/service provider and brainstorm cost-effective, time-smart approaches. Additionally, each day will include a “make & take” session for creating materials that you can start using your next day at work.
Workshop #1 September 29 October 26th Case Management & Service Delivery
During this workshop we will explore tips and tools related to:
• Early childhood special education evaluation, placement, and IEP processes;
• Case management responsibilities, such as facilitating meetings, reporting progress, family communication, etc.
• Service delivery models for special education.

Workshop #2 October 26 December 11th Lesson Planning, Consultation & Transitions
During this workshop we will explore tips and tools related to:
• Lesson plans, data collection & evidence-informed programming decisions;
• Paraprofessional supports and consultation;
• Transitions into early childhood special education, as well as kindergarten.

Designing Professional Development that Brings out the Best in our Colleagues w/ Bill Rich and Wendy Cohen:
First date originally scheduled for 11/7.  Now scheduled for 10/25.
If you are or want to be a provider of professional development, instructional consultant or coach of your colleagues this series and optional course is for you.  This series will cover the principles and practices that seasoned, skilled adult educators use to design and orchestrate learning experiences that bring out the best in your colleagues. Whether you’ve just become an instructional leader/coach, or someone who’s plied these waters for years, we’ll meet you where you are and help you design, implement, and evaluate a plan for bringing out the best in you, your colleagues, and their learners.

WORKshop 1: Getting Clear about What Matters Most (October 25) Note Change in Date
After a compelling and humorous introduction to the principles of adult learning design, we’ll dig into the details of identifying what matters most when designing and orchestrating learning for our colleagues. Participants will use their new learning to draft and tune an action plan tailored to their specific role and learners.


WORKshop 2: Strategies for Targeting Practice & Orchestrating Feedback (December 14)
We’ll spend the morning sharing, modeling, and considering strategies for targeting practice and
orchestrating feedback in ways that bring out the best in our colleagues and support their learning.
Participants will identify the strategies they want to try out and begin designing and refining a plan to apply
these back in their setting.

WORKshop 3: Strategies for Creating a Culture of Collaborative Inquiry (January 19)
How can we inspire and empower educators to begin working together in ways that nourish each other and
their students? Throughout this workshop we’ll model and practice strategies for tapping the collective
wisdom of our colleagues, students, and communities in the age of Act 77 and Education Quality Standards

WORKshop 4: Ending Well: Revisiting and Enhancing What Matters Most (March 15)
After studying a range of specific examples and processes, we’ll devote most of the day to
designing and tuning your approach to ending the year well for your particular learners.