Welcome to VT-HEC
Quality Training & Support for Our Schools
Vermont Higher Education Collaborative works with experts to support schools and deliver professional development, ensuring the success of all students.
Upcoming Offerings
Free Webinar: Co-Teaching and Working in Teams
February 13,
3:30 pm
Understanding Specially Designed Instruction: Clarifying Its Role Within MTSS Layers (Course)
February 14,
8:30 am
What is Specially Designed Instruction?
February 14,
8:30 am
Celebrating 25 Years Supporting Quality Education
Thank you for supporting VT-HEC in our mission of addressing personnel and training needs related to improving education outcomes for all students.
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What’s Happening
VT-HEC: 25 Years in Review
To honor our 25th anniversary, I’ll be sharing a series of reflections on our journey and accomplishments over the years. Stay tuned as I share more stories, insights, and memories […]
VT-HEC Gets a Fresh Look
Our New Website & Registration System Are Live! We’re excited to announce the recent launch of our redesigned website and new registration platform. This isn’t just a new design — […]
AI in Education: Empowering Teachers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be everywhere – from customer service to self-driving cars to advertising. But what exactly is AI, and what role does it play in education?
Stay in touch
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