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Building Effective MTSS Data Practices

Instructor: Brittany Preston

Districts are often adept at gathering data, but don’t yet know how to leverage it for instructional improvement and better student outcomes. Experience data tools that make the information accessible, easy to interpret, and directly applicable to driving educational decision-making.


Neurodiversity Centered Practices for Collaboration & Advocacy (Workshop Series)

Instructors: Danielle Kent, M.S., CCC-SLP, Kelly Cray, M.Ed.

-a 3-part workshop series

Become a more skilled, affirming, and reflective advocate for the unique needs of every student while building a toolbox for effective collaboration across professional differences, including philosophy and experience, to create a culture of belonging.


Specially Designed Instruction for Math

Instructor: Kate Hughes

Session 3 of a 4-part series, "Understanding Specially Designed Instruction: Clarifying Its Role Within MTSS Layers." ***Session 1 is required and participants can then choose any or all of the remaining sessions.***


Neurodiversity-Affirming Behavior Supports: A Framework

Instructor: Molly Bumpas, M.Ed, CCC-SLP, BCBA

This workshop reimagines traditional behavior support practices to incorporate information and tools from other professional fields, and draws upon the presenter's expertise in communication.


Free Webinar: Involving Families

Speaker Series for New Middle and High School Educators.

New teachers describe their first years in schools as overwhelming and isolating. This series offers content of immediate need to middle and high school educators in their first or second year teaching.


Specially Designed Instruction for Literacy

Instructor: Julie Burtscher Brown

Session 4 of a 4-part series, "Understanding Specially Designed Instruction: Clarifying Its Role Within MTSS Layers." ***Session 1 is required and participants can then choose any or all of the remaining sessions.***
