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Safety Equals Success #2 Safety and Executive Functioning




Gillian Boudreau

Professional Learning Hours:


Intended Audience:

Anyone who works in or with schools, including classroom teachers, special educators, SLPs, OTs, coaches and consultants, school counselors and social workers, paraprofessionals, and administrators.

Executive functioning is the mental muscle we use to get ourselves to do things that may not be immediately gratifying. We often practice these skills in the service of self-determination and meeting goals that are important to us. Educators risk teaching executive functioning skills from a fearful stance of urgency, which can cause students to override their own internal cues that something isn’t right for them. This webinar focuses on the importance of teaching executive functioning from a calm and collaborative adult stance.

Participants will:

  • Learn the research on and finite nature of “regulatory resource,” the primary engine of executive functioning
  • Identify what can help reduce the barriers to executive functioning, including social motivation and belonging, alignment with strong interests, and personally meaningful rewards
  • Learn how executive function skills can reflect elements of white supremacy culture, which can contribute to exploitation and burnout

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