Key Concepts of Trauma-Informed Schools
Joelle van Lent
Professional Learning Hours:
Intended Audience:
Individuals working in PK-12 schools, including those who are relatively new to the topic of resilience and trauma-informed schools, as well as those with more advanced expertise. District leaders interested in facilitating professional learning in trauma-informed practices with faculty, paraeducators, and new staff.

Webinar #1 – Relationship is the Foundation But Not the Full Story
While relationships are the foundation of student success, children and adolescents contending with significant adversity require intentional support to build emotional regulation skills and the capacity to navigate many aspects of school. In this webinar, participants will learn the ways in which caregiver, racial, and other forms of trauma impact the formation of healthy relational patterns and influence how students respond to a wide variety of experiences in school. Participants will gain strategies that are both powerfully effective and practical in order to promote healthy social and emotional development for students.
Webinar #2 – Increasing Motivation and Engagement in the Context of Stress
Chronic adverse experiences and mental health challenges in childhood can impact the development of intrinsic motivation, self-confidence, and the capacity to persevere in academic and social endeavors that are growth promoting. In this webinar, participants will discuss learned helplessness, the benefits of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, as well as methods to reduce the school professional’s risk of burnout in the context of challenging student dynamics. Participants will gain insights related to how healthy motivation develops, as well as obtain practical strategies to promote increased motivation and engagement for students experiencing a wide variety of stressors.
Webinar #3 – Shifting Behavior while Strengthening Community
Schools are striving to create and strengthen a culture in which disciplinary methods thoughtfully consider the wide variety of students’ needs; including those navigating exposure to trauma, mental health challenges, and unique learning needs. In this webinar, participants will explore methods of shifting student behavior that are compassionate and effective, as well as a proactive approach to increasing students’ healthy stress tolerance. Participants will learn strategies to improve self-regulation, replace undesired behavioral responses, and increase students’ resilience to the inherent stressors of school, learning, and social endeavors.
Webinar #4 – We Need More than a Bubble Bath to Prevent Burnout
School communities can create a culture and routines that help their employees thrive even in the context of demanding and stressful work. In this webinar, participants will learn about compassion satisfaction, which is an experience of feeling enriched, inspired, and supported through one’s work. Participants will gain insights to recognize the early signs of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma in order to prevent or recover from burnout. The webinar will offer practical strategies that the school professional can use for their own well-being, as well as routines that create a culture of community care to buffer the potential negative impact of highly complex professional challenges.
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