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VT-HEC Awards First Patty Morgan Scholarship

First Patty Morgan Scholarship Awarded to Danielle Hulbert of Williamstown

VT-HEC is very happy to announce that the first Patty Morgan Scholarship has been awarded to Danielle Hulbert, who began VT-HEC’s new Early Childhood Initial Licensing program in June. Danielle was among a group of very impressive and worthy applicants, and we are very pleased to be able to support her goal of becoming a licensed early childhood educator. 

After her own children started school, she felt the need to do more to work with and benefit kids. She became active in the PTO and worked as a paraprofessional and a substitute teacher, but that wasn’t enough:

I learned that I wanted to be the teacher that touched children’s lives. I wanted to create fun and exciting lesson plans to engage children in learning. Early education is the most important age in my mind when it comes to school. This is where students form a relationship not only with teachers and peers but also with education. This is where we can help them love learning!

Danielle will begin a position as a kindergarten teacher at Williamstown School this Fall.  She submitted a very strong application and essay. In her interview with the selection committee, the committee found her to be a delightful, passionate, and enthusiastic early childhood educator.. 

The Patty Morgan Scholarship  was established in December 2021 in recognition of the impact that Patty had on education in Vermont in her role as Director of Licensing Programs of the VT-HEC. The Patty Morgan Scholarship will be awarded annually to an exceptional applicant seeking to become licensed as an early childhood educator (ECE) or early childhood special educator (ECSE), or to add the ECE or ECSE endorsement through the VT-HEC programs. The scholarship covers the selected candidate’s VT-HEC tuition costs throughout the candidate’s program.

We wish Danielle the best in achieving her goals and want to thank all those who applied for the scholarship for their dedication to the children of Vermont.