The Power and Potential of Learning Through Play
Christine Hertz Hausman
Professional Learning Hours:
Intended Audience:
PreK – 2nd grade teachers, special educators, and administrators.

Ignite deep and joyful learning throughout the day. In this workshop series, educators will deepen understanding of different types of play and their importance in preK-2nd grade classrooms. Participants will learn how to weave strategies like focus lessons, conferring, small group play, and whole class conversations into play, and how doing so can build literacy skills, STEM skills, and critical social-emotional skills such as empathy and problem solving. Additionally, participants will explore how to incorporate children’s identities and interests into their existing teaching practices to build a classroom culture of capability, curiosity, and community.
Part 1: Setting Up for Play
This workshop will offer information on both the why and how behind playful learning. Teachers will learn tips and tricks for setting up their classrooms for play, nuts and bolts of daily schedules and routines, and how to balance different types of play across the day.
Part 2: Choosing Models for Play
Part two will offer several different models for incorporating play: choice time through play, thematic play and integrated learning, and creating invitations and explorations through stations. We will explore how play can be a powerful opportunity to coach social emotional skills.
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