Writing IEP Proficiency-Based Goals and Objectives
Jennifer Patenaude, M.A.
Professional Learning Hours:
Intended Audience:
Special education administrators and special education teachers.

Writing rigorous but attainable IEP goals and objectives that reflect the specialized needs of learners is one of the most challenging aspects of IEP development. Recent changes in Vermont special education regulations requiring teams to “use pertinent data to inform the development of appropriate goals and objectives” mean these expectations must be evidence-based. This workshop focuses on the exact documentation of present levels of educational and functional performance, and their associated standards-based goals/objectives. Decisions related to using measurable data to ensure educational benefit when monitoring progress will also be discussed.
Participants will:
- Access case studies and/or their own student profiles to practice developing measurable, proficiency-based present level statements and goals/objectives.
- Learn how to use a proficiency-based approach and standards-based learning trajectories when developing educational and functional performance statements, and measurable goals and objectives.
- Consider assessment practices and data collection systems that best support both the identification of present levels and ongoing progress monitoring.
- Use pertinent data to inform decisions regarding the focus of specialized instruction based upon the student’s unique learning profile.
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