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Rule Changes for Adverse Effect and Functional Skills




Jennifer Patenaude, M.A.

Professional Learning Hours:


Intended Audience:

Special education teachers, special education administrators, principals, related service providers

The Vermont Special Education Rules include significant changes in language and expectations related to identifying an adverse effect on educational performance when determining eligibility for special education. Understanding these changes will be essential for special education teams when deciding eligibility and developing an IEP that appropriately reflects both academic and non-academic needs of a learner. This recording offers clarification and guidance on how to consistently implement these new rules.

In Session #1, participants will:

  • Gain an understanding of changes in the special education regulations regarding adverse effect and the addition of functional skills as a basic skill area.
  • Define what is meant by ‘functional skills’ and discuss examples across grade levels.
  • Identify sources of information that demonstrate an adverse effect, including functional skills.

In Session #2, participants will:

  • Consider the new ‘thread’ of special education for determining a need for special education in the area of functional skills.
  • Practice developing IEPs that thread the impact of disability on functional skills through present levels of performance, services, and measurable goals/objectives.
  • Use a case study to apply new learning.
  • Plan for the implementation of these rule changes in one’s own setting.

The recording includes an Activity and Discussion Guide with links, videos, and documents to work from as you complete the training. If you are working with a team, we recommend identifying a facilitator to guide you through the activities. An additional 4.5 professional learning hours can be earned for completing team activities.

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