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Reigniting Your Spark for Teaching Writing




Kathy Christy M.Ed., NBCT

Professional Learning Hours:


Intended Audience:

K-6 writing teachers, interventionists, supervisors of writing teachers.

This workshop reviews the key components of a writing workshop model, including the mini-lesson, independent work, conferring, and sharing.
In addition, participants will:
* Understand how a workshop model of writing instruction can meet the needs of a wide variety of learners.
* Practice ways to simplify lesson planning for the workshop model.
* Explore strategies for engaging writers using maps and graphic organizers.
* Create examples of writing to use as models during instruction.
* Understand the impact material choice, mentor texts, and professional texts can have on writing instruction.
* Discuss and share a variety of ways to celebrate student writing.
* Share thoughts and ideas in regard to the importance of a system that supports student growth via learning progressions, rubrics, checklists, and feedback.

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